EFB EnglishForumBali

Are you motivated to learn English? Let's do it right away. One day delay and one day we left behind.

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Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Hi all.
The hot issue in my country now is about corruption done by some public officers.  it’s really shameful and really embarrassing. but let me make it more specific. Corruption and money. these two things are just simple we find in our daily life. For some people money could mean anything in life. with money, they could buy expensive stuffs, they could buy properties up to skyscrapers. With money, they could buy people’s voice (much easier in developing or under developed countries like mine) To vote someone to be a a leader will need huge number of money. Even to take someone’s heart, money could talk more. hmmm…. hate this. corrupt bureaucracy is everywhere..but these greedy people are laughing to have swollen the people’s money. Modified taxes are shared with greed, money marked up is just easy and money, once again can do anything. The worst is the right person could be the guilty side by the law because he could not afford for good lawyer. really hate this. The law could be replaced by some money.
Now many of us, me also are shaking, can’t stand this but nothing can be done. The money is up high there as if they say…If you don’t have enough, don’t ever fight me…
I do hope that this earth will be a better place for our children in the future like Jacko’s song. heal the world. I need miracle. God help us!!!


           So easy for us to send protest about something that is not in its path even though it is not meant to go wrong. The worst is when somebody is criticizing without looking at the real problem or case. Anger and hatred show up very clearly without giving solution. Here jealousy plays role also dislikes. How bad we are if we do not start changing our bad manner. Come on criticizing as well as the solution…. we are human right? things could go wrong only in second.


I am sure that you have your FB account and update it almost everytime you think you need to. I have mine. Some people are allergic to this social networking. But for some more people, their lives depend on this site.
For me FB as the other social networkings like tweeter, Bebo, Myspace, etc has also effected the way I see other people. I learnt many from friends and I got many new things from them. I got, for example good English sites for practicing my poor English or even I have now many new friends from other countries by which we often chat or talk. this is very interesting
Sharing photos is one way for me to share our experiences. That’s great. Really great.
For those who do not like this social networking perhaps ever had something bad from FB. It is only one simple case.
I think for you and for us all here, everything depends on the users only.



Hi all my friends,
We know that learning a second language (English) requires a lot of sacrifices and if we do, the language being learnt will also do a lot for us such as building our confidence among our friends. thousands theories offered to master English but many of us feel hard to apply ones. Many get frustrated and finally surrender.
For me, the simplest thing to master English as the second language is just through “Think  of something easy and say it or think a thing and write it” I did do this even till now.. when i am thinking of something, i just start exploring it and the best way out of my thinking is just “write it” like here in Spotlight discussion forum.
Whatever we write, just believe me “we are improving even with only a few new words but the vocabs develop day by day and surely we’re getting better everyday.
There are a lot of forums we can open or surf on the nets. the more we say or write the better we are. Don’t ever worry to make mistakes because those mistakes make us learn.

good luck.


Hi there..
I always emphasise one wise quote said ” we are learning from our mistake” and i can make this quote in line with “no genius hatches on bed”.
I love these two sayings and i do believe what i have till this very second is the result of a lot of mistakes i already made in life. Meanwhile, when we study a foreign language and we are supposed to create mistakes. Mistakes make us aware not to repeat the same thing we did wrong. Mistake teaches us to be more careful on something… well what about you?


“Who do you think you are?”
This question is showing us a kind of superiority. It seems to underestimate someone who hears the question.
Do you think you are better then others?
Sometimes I feel I am better for a thing but I am worse for many other things. That’s natural I guess. But when i feel that I am more superior or more powerful than others,  It has made me one step backward from “the Creator”. I know I am not supposed to have that kind of feeling.
I am just luckier then them. But I am not grateful man.
How much oxygen everyday I take from ‘Him’ freely. I have complete and perfect body parts but sometimes I use them for bad purposes. I use my mouth to mock other people while there are thousands of disable people need My voices just to pray and to say good words to others.
I am really stupid and selfish. Many people also need my arms just to shake others’hand warmly saying thank you but I use my arms, my hand to slap, to strike others or even to kill the innocents.
What do you call me? 
I saw others’ skins worse than my skin. I am from higher classes of people while I see others are just lower than me that I could do whatever I want to and give them orders otherwise bad things happen to them.
I threaten others with my short-gun or even my machine gun and my up-to-date and deadly bombs. I don’t care others because I am the ruling country. I decide anything.
What do you think I am?
I am sorry for being more powerful than others because I have the money…The others just work for me.
Finally, I fell over really hard, really painful and got my heart attack. I am dying…................................
and finally I remember ‘You’. You are my Lord. I am sorry. i deserve to get this reward from You. I forget if we are equally created here.


Hi all,
When we hear the word “green” we will be referred to somebody who is inexperiences or incapable of doing something. Green also means very young not mature enough. But what I want to share here is ‘being green’ to anything meaning keeping the earth staying green, not destroyed.
It is very sad whenever I watch teli that the destruction of woods is everywhere and badly consumed by us. Bribery is one of the factors why people still cutting the forest easily.
I am not really green but if you ask me what my concern to the environment and I will tell ya that I don’t throw my rubbish to a river or something like it, then I use several times the difficult recycling materials, I also joint planting mangroves around my office
how about you?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The best Job for us??

What is the best job in this world?
Who deserves to get the best job?
What is meant by the best Job?

And there are still many questions need to be answered for this topic. The world has solely provided us with choices and it is our right to choose one, one that is the top people's choice. Talking about jobs, hundreds or thousands are there. The cleaning service clerk, the janitor, the lorry driver, postman, butcher, hunter, fisherman, army, sailor, athlete, snipper, teacher, preacher, midwife, businessman, waitress, and many others are all worth thinking to be the best. Some people will summon that the job as janitor would be enough while other will put the doctor is on top or being a professional athlete is such a great bread and butter. To see one is better than the other needs more attention since things in this world is different one another. The people are different, the places are different and the point of views differ as well.

The next question is who will have the right to get the best job. Every individual has his own judgement on which job suits him or which doesn't. In addition, a job is not solely associated with how much it gives to the ones who work on it but it also how much it mentally satisfy the workers. So this is not the matter only about money. People working for their living have their own thoughts about what they are working on. In some cases, people work voluntarily and they enjoy it.

In My country, Indonesia, people will be more honorable when they have higher level of jobs no matter how they get there. Furthermore, with an people-admitted job the workers will benefit themselves especially, in their surroundings. Being a doctor here, for instance, need huge basket of money. no matter if he is low academically, it is an impossible mission for those coming from weak communities. Despite the intelligence owned, the position of that doctor is always sky scrapping and unfordable and surely, a night mare.

As my final word, whatever someone does for living is always debatable for its reasons.

Bahasa Inggris kok susah

Baiklah saya mau lanjut sedikit tentang bagaimana saya sampai bisa (sedikit) berbahasa Inggris.

tempo hari lalu saya katakan saya bertemu seseorang yang menginspirasi saya cara belajar bahasa Inggris ini. ketika saya beritahu "Phill" nama orang itu, bahwa sangat sulit bagi saya bisa karena grammarnya terlalu sulit buat saya. (dasar saya yang memang bodo ya) saya juga bilang ke Phill bahwa saya sebagian mengerti apa yang dikatakan dosen-dosen saya kala itu tapi saya tidak bisa mengatakannya. Aduh... bego banget saya.

anda tahu reaksi Phill saat itu.... Dia "surprise" karena saya mengatakan bagian grammar terlalu sulit. Nah dari sana Phill mulai bercerita. Intinya dia hanya mengingatkan saya bagaimana saya belajar bahasa Indonesia sehingga saya pasih mengucapkannya. Dan ternyata Phill menggunakan pendekatan "Bagaimana seorang bayi mempelajari bahasa ibunya untuk pertama kali"

Kita sering lupa atau memang tidak sadar bahwa kita sangat cakap dan fasih sekali mengucapkan bahasa ibu (indonesia) kita karena sejak bayi kita sudah dikondisikan dengan lingkungan yang semuanya menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Otak kita tanpa sadar telah dijejali ribuan kosa kata bahasa indonesia bahkan sampai saat inipun masih demikian. Nah apakah sewaktu bayi dulu orang tua atau orang - orang disekitar kita mengajarkan tata bahasa Indonesia (istilahnya grammar bahasa Indonesia)?................ TIDAK!!!!

Nah sekarang anda tahu sudah mengapa kita sangat cakap berbahasa ibu kita walau kita sama sekali tidak menguasai tata bahasanya. Itulah yang dimaksud oleh Phill, teman saya tadi.
penguasaan Kosa Kata adalah sesuatu yang mutlak dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing. tanpa kosa kata kita mau bicara apa?

jadi disini Key word nya adalah Kosa Kata.

Nah sekarang pertanyaanya bagaimana cara yang efektif untuk menambah kosa kata kita?

Baik tunggu ya! edisi berikut saya akan berbagi cara menguasai kosa kata yang efektif.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mengapa Bahasa Inggris kq Susah Ya?


Banyak sekali teman-teman kita yang mau belajar bahasa Inggris diawalnya sangat bersemangat namun setelah jalan beberapa saat mereka menjadi malas dan hilang gairah dan akhirnya berhenti.

Wah... Sayang sekali ya.....

Kalau saya dulu... ya dulu juga begitu sewaktu belum kenal bahasa Inggris bahkan sempat dulu tuh saya benci dengan bahasa ini.
Namun seiring waktu, tuntutan masa depan dn hitung-hitungan bisnis (serem banget ya) akhirnya saya putuskan mengambil jurusan yang sangat saya benci itu dibangku kuliah.. ya bener saya kalang kabut waktu itu... tidak ngerti apa -apa. satu semester saya hancur semua mata kuliah saya...

Sempat mikir mau pindah jurusan.....
Eh Tapi akhirnya saya ketemu seseorang yang tanpa sengaja mengajak saya berbagi tentang bagaimana ya Bahasa Inggris itu dan segala seluk beluknya. Sampai pada akhirnya ia memberi cara yang menurut saya sangat sangat luar biasa

Anda mau tahu?.. gimana caranya nanti ya saya sambung lagi.

Friday, April 30, 2010


Bali as millions people know as one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world has never stopped offering its beauty. Its simplicity and hospitality as well as its unique have made people around the world eager to explore more this island. apart from the positive values people wanna get here, there are also some who want to get benefit for themselves by stealing its origins like the director of “The cowboys in Paradise” did. As a pure Balinese i feel hurt when things stolen and just to fulfill somebody’s thirst about money. Now, this case is in hot issue in Bali and being investigated. Some of the local actors from Bali felt deceived by the director that they never knew if the movie was widely seen now while as they were promised that the video was just for private use. we as Balinese with our simplicity screamed out loud for the robber of our respected island. Bali is not the place for “gigolo”. If this rarely exists, it is just as the unavoidable excess of the world tourism but once again, we never offer Bali with the negative images. We are proud to be Balinese and many people know that we deserve to visit and we are always happy to have them in Bali.WELCOME TO THE ISLAND OF THE GODS.

Friday, April 23, 2010

About this forum


English Forum Bali (EFB) is my place to share anything in English. This blog is totally dedicated for those who want to try to express their free ideas as long as the ideas are not very personal and sensitive to religion, color, and beliefs. This forum is the best place for you all to write anything in English. No worries of making mistakes, no worries of grammatical matter. Just share with me and of course with others here. if errors correction is supposed to be needed, and i would be happily help. EFB is just free for anyone. just simply do and write.
We will share also tips on learning second language, especially English.

ok. wish you all good luck and success.


Honesty/Kejujuran is expensive today

It's really shameful to say things in honest while what stays behind it is just a lie. I don't understand why lies are more and more acceptable these days. Crazy about this. the elders give a lot examples of being liars. Look they say,"please pray or worship everyday for goodness and safety". but what they do in reality? they manipulate lots things. "Dons" is only rhetorical.
Can you believe that?