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Thursday, January 20, 2011

The earth is sick - God loves human

Hi, what is the current event, I mean the weather you have in your country now? Raining, just cloudy, hot, snowy, or just fine weather?
Almost everyday we see this earth is getting older and older and it could not stand for more for the burden it has.
There are a lot of People who are so greedy. They just think about themselves and their various interest/business. They hurt this earth. They cut down the earth’s lung (the woods) everyday. They suck the water excessively, they burn the forests, They kill animals, they create nuclear bomb, they make biological weapons, they kill even the human beings too, they shot innocent children, they destroy old and weal people, they burn the villages, they rape the woman, they kill one onother.
What is this for? the Greed!!
Bad people never care about this earth. God makes this earth for us to care of it not to destroy. 
We still need the better future for our next children. They ask us to take very good care of this world for their time in the future.
But we forget it just for our ambitions. 
God couldn’t speak to us but He sends us signs; flood, landslide, starvation, drought; to stop all our greed.
I hope people know this and back to a better way to save our planet.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fighting laziness.

How do you fight your laziness?

It is not easy to do, for sure. Take a simple case, when it is time to get up early in the morning and we just feel so hard to make it. Wasting time is thing we are likely doing. It is almost every time. In 24 hours a day, how much time do we use very effectively for good things?

I am one of the lazy people in this earth. Just to get up at 5 everyday, I have to force and struggle myself very hard. I switched off the waker when I felt it was such a very disturbing alarm. In fact, I set the waker to help me get up.. It's funny. A few more minutes" I whispered myself. But finally I got up very late and sometimes I have to get some "nice words" from my boss for being late and late again.

coming from work, I spent my time reading daily papers for about half an hour. There is long pause after this activity before I have to get shower in the evening around 7 or 8 pm. If I count my wasted time in a day in average.. It will accumulate at no 4 or 5 hours. In a month it becomes 150 hours and 1800 hours for a year.

wow a fantastic number. 
If I use that time for work for instance.. I guess I will be very rich now. Suppose 1 hour side job worths 5 US$ hahaha... 

do you also spend your time like me? come on share it here.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Education for free(Big question)

What do you think of Education? Is it very Important for you?
Could we get the knowledge from school freely from money? what is the most priority in a country to build, in your opinion?.......... and many more questions I had in my mind.
Let’s glimpse a bit about education experience in Indonesia.
We have the same level of education almost in all part of the world. starting from a play group until the university level. The higher the level and of course the more expensive it is. It is the reality here. The government, in my idea should be responsible for the education even for the best education ever. We pay taxes every year. With the number of people more than 240 million, I think the government must put the education as the most priority in its development.
we are 65 years more having our freedom but it seemed that education isn’t put the first. Corruption is everywhere but education is very expensive for most people here. Intelligent and brainy students from the poor have no access for better study. And this is ridiculous.
So the education, for me is the base for anything in a country. Free access to education should not be limited. Education for all. No matter what. The country with its education for the highest priority will conquer everything very fast. Technology and science are very close to this country.
Look at Japan! after the nuclear bombs in Nagasaki and Hiroshima 68 years ago, The emperor put his first priority in education for the development, and the result… we can see it clearly everyday… It is one of the world Giants in economy, science and technology. China with its revolution in education has gain its critical time now to stay together with the other giants of the world conquerers.
I am dreaming this happens to my (our) country.
How about you?

Self-motivation for work

Sometimes, people are giving words to me to motivate me in doing better things in life. Some of them are right and I was trying the ways suggested. For a while, some of them were working fine and well but they would vanish gradually as I got less and less motivated in doing certain jobs.
Working in office with the same people - co-workers everyday made me sometimes, bored because no new ideas were offered. I thought they were exactly the same as me. I was also very bad for a new idea. Talking on certain problems to somebody was one way out for me. researching things on different web sites were really time consuming for certain times. When a problem arose and it wasn’t the good time to search the solution because of, for instance, it was the office time. After home, it was difficult to get my mood to sit and look for the solution.
There were times I tried very hard to motivate myself that I had to do things quickly and satisfy other people who needed my service.
In this way.. I felt I had failed to serve others. And this situation did make me find an escape for the job I had. It was really heart-sick feeling.
How about you? What do you do to motivate yourself?
Would you help tell me some good ways?
Best regard,